So why do I get stopped by the TSA EVERY time I fly?
Well, I don’t exactly look like a terrorist, nor do I have a bad record against me. So why do I always get stopped by the TSA when I’m traveling??
I wonder, is it possible to be stopped by the TSA based on what you are wearing???
I mean, do they think they are the Fashion police now or something!!?
Well,….Not exactly but what you wear can absolutely affect your air travel experience! And I realized this first hand as I was consistently being stopped by the TSA for what I was wearing! Here’s how it went down;
As most of you know I love bling! If it sparkles and shines I want it and I will wear it, even when boarding a plane. So naturally the last few times I’ve traveled I noticed I always seem to grab one of two tanks, both of which have sequins and beads. I think nothing of this decision and go about heading to the airport and through the security checkpoint. I take off my shoes, jacket, and all of my jewelry. At no point does anyone stop me or say anything. I put my bags through the scanner, walk through the detector, come out, and immediately am stopped for a full on pat down! Huh?!? I am not a terrorist! I have nothing on me! Nothing except…… sequins!!!! Yes sequins, beads, and pretty much almost anything else blingy will make that detector go off! They are made of metal after all. So naturally after they realize that the only thing that was detected was my taste in style, they let me go. I AM a Fashion Designer people- Thank you very much!
After having this experience SEVERAL times I finally learned my lesson. No more pat downs for me, I think I’ll pass! So on my recent trip to Miami I got smart! I wore a plain tank top with a cardigan over it. My cardigan though was actually sparkly (well, I just can’t get away from everything sparkly). However it was from gold foil that was printed (not knitted) into the fabric! To the normal person it does look like lurex yarn woven in, but to my trained eye I can see the difference! So, as I am approaching the metal detector the TSA agent says to me; “Miss, You may want to remove your sweater, all those sparkly things may go off”. I briefly look down at what I’m wearing, then look back up at him and kindly reply, ” I think I will be ok, it’s only printed”. So I take my chances, walk through the detector, get to the other side, and am waiting in anticipation for the report to show on the screen….ALL CLEAR! I made it through!!!! Woohoo! I was right, my sparkly sweater didn’t set it off, and the reason was because of the method used to get this sparkly glitter on it. It was PRINTED on, and not woven in (similar to this one from etsy). So just goes to show that knowing a thing or two about textiles can actually make your travel experience all the more better! Take that you Fashion Police!… I mean TSA

So the next time you are traveling, take a minute to think about what you are actually wearing to the airport as it could cost you some delays. Oh and you may not want to wear any kind of shirt with words that make you a prime target (like this guy below)
And I also don’t recommend not wearing anything at all, like this lady so boldly did.
Have you ever been stopped by the TSA for what you were wearing?!?! Let me know in the comments below!
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I wore a sweater with silver threading that I never gave a second thought about when I decided to travel in it. It set off the alarm, and I was given a very intense pat down (full body) that was very unnessary. When I put the sweater in the carry on bag during the return flight, security did not even notice it. Warning: do not wear sweaters or knits with sparkly threading. I know it appears festive, but it has metal in it.
I totally agree Stacy, it is not worth the hassle!